jueves, 18 de junio de 2015


Drugs can become a bad habit for people who use it to diarion, there
are several types of drugs: depressive, stimulants, Opiates & Opioids, Hallucinogens. to produce different sensations consume us if we use very often the body gets used, and little by little they are becoming a necessity for daily living.

one of the more stronger the stimulants that are located in the central nervous system and unite with extreme feelings of well-being, and increased mental activity engine. Examples of these drugs include cocaine, amphetamines and ecstasy

depressive usually slow decrease central nervous system and brain activity producing anxiety relief. the most common are alcohol and cannabis.

In conclusion I can say that drugs affect the entire body, but the vast maoyoria affect the brain, are located in the central nervous system and they will gradually deteriorate. we must be aware of everything we do and do not finish in the missteps that is drugs.

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