jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015


I. Technology

Foreingn Languages


A) Summarize: What is the main idea of the first paragraph? what are the most important details in this paragraph?
Main idea: monkeys were used badly for medical research.
Important Details: chimpazees paced back and forth in incredibly small cages.

D) Summarize: In lines 88-95, Goodall recounts a visit to josh in "Junior Africa". How has this chimp changed?
when he was on the nursery, he has full of energy, but when they translate him to his prison, there was no longer any fun in his eyes.

PAUSE & REFLECT: in lines 105-112, Jane tries to imagine what JoJo feels. How do fer questions make you feel? Why?
Oepress. Because, just as humans, chimpanzees has feelings too. Been on that horrible place make them miss their home and their family.

F) Summarize: briefly restate the main point that Goodall makes in lines 128-138
The people who are working with laboratory animals should know something about animals and their natural behavior also they should know the suffering they cause.

G) Summarize: in lines 150-161, what is Goodall´s main point about the use of lab animals? Identify the most important details that support that main idea, and then write  summary of this paragraph.
Main Idea: Animals are used to test the safety of products.
Important Details: they are inyected or forced to swallow different amounts to see they resist or die.
Summary: Animals can be used in medicine with pretection, keeping their rights.

H) Persuasive Techniques: in lines 169-179, what ethical appeal does Goodall make?
Chimpanzee and any kind of animal deserve the same love and respect that we get.

in this blog you can find many  information about english.

My name is Pamela Palma, I´m 15 years old, I was born in May 11 of 1999 in Quito, Ecuador. I study in Victoria Bilingual Christian Academy. My mom´s name is Sofia and my father´s name is Hans. I have one sister and one brother. I love play soccer.